Company Registration
Materials Needed for Foreign Corporation Registration:
1. Two copies of legal opening certificate and its notarial certificate (authorized by local government and then Chinese Embassy); for individual investors: copies of notarial certificate of passport or the original copy of passport.
2. One copy of bank credit certificate from investment corporation; for individual investors: the original copy of bank credit certificate.
3. Copies of identification of board directors from investment corporation; for individual investors: not necessary.
4. One copy of auditor’s reports of last year if the investment corporation has been existed for more than one year; for individual investors: not necessary.
5. Two copies of identification of proposed legal representatives and supervisors; Three copies of two inch color photo of legal representatives.
6. Copies of identification of all members from board of directors of the proposed corporation.
7. Letter of authorizationsighed by the authorized person with black ink.
8. Project feasibility report.
9. Name of the proposed corporation.
10. Three copies of real estate certificate (signed by authorized person); three original copies lease agreement (provided by lessor).
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